Young Leaders of Bryan County
This class is designed for High School Juniors and Seniors looking to develop relationship and leadership skills before they move on to the next stage in life.
What to expect:
- Five full day classes. These classes focus on leadership, Communications/Team Building, History and Government, Economic Development, Education, and Environment
- Classes are January - June on one Friday a month
- There is an admission cost, but the Bryan County Chamber works to have students sponsored by local companies.
- Transportation is provided
If you have any questions or want to sign up as a sponsor, please contact Summer at SBeal@RHBCchamber.org.
Leadership Bryan
Founded in 2002, by the Bryan County Chamber of Commerce, Young Leaders of Bryan County is an annual program designed to bring together a diverse group of potential leaders and provide a forum for shared viewpoints on the needs of Bryan County. Our mission is to develop a new generation of leadership to enhance the future of Bryan County. Leadership Bryan is an every-other-year program.
Format: The program consists of six full day classes. Classes focus on Leadership, Communications/Team Building, History and Government, Economic Development, Education and Environment.
Admission: Up to twenty participants will be accepted for the class of Young Leaders. The selection committee will review the applications and select the participants based on criteria which will ensure wide representation of the community. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to nominees.